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COVID-19 update

Dear Gardeners,

I wanted to reach out to you regarding the current situation with COVID-19. As you might know, Sili-Seedlings® is committed to helping gardeners enjoy a plastic-free, sustainable and ergonomic way of gardening. However, the recent developments of COVID-19 have partially disrupted our supply lines, which has reduced and delayed the amount of inventory we receive. We are currently out of stock, but have numerous shipments in-transit as we speak. If you’d like to be notified immediately when inventory is ready to ship, please use the “contact us” tab on our secure website, and I will personally email you when new inventory arrives and is ready to ship.

I know that gardening is for many of us a refuge from some of the anxiety and stress of daily life, especially now during the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, I know many of you would love to use Sili-Seedlings® silicone trays to begin propagating your seeds. During this time, we will be working hard to resupply our inventory as soon as possible, and we sincerely appreciate your patience and support for our business. We are a small business, but we are strong, and we hope to retain your trust and loyalty in our brand during and after these trying times.

Thank you for your continued support and patience. I hope you and your loved ones are healthy and safe.

Best wishes,

Ryan T. Sauchelli

Founder, Sili-Seedlings®

The Original Silicone Seedling Tray